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Hello, and a warm welcome to Kitamura Computers. I'm James, the Director. All throughout my career as a freelance PC Engineer, I've focused on mainly one thing, and that is you, my customers. Most people would think I'm the typical manager/technician, and that I'm only in it for the money. They couldn't be more wrong. Money is important, obviously, as it pays our suppliers and puts food on the table for me and my staff, but, no, I'm in it for the smile on your face at the end of the day, when the job's done, and I've done it cheaper and faster than my competition.

A smile means more to me than money.

Our Honesty

Kitamura is an honest firm. Because I am. We're not like most of your run of the mill PC repair firms. We swear on our Oath, which is:

  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Trustworthiness
  • Respect
There's been some bad publicity regarding small PC firms. Piracy, stealing customer details, snooping. We're not like that at all. We will always:
  • Install genuine software. We're a Microsoft Partner, and obtain legal product keys for EVERY new installation.
  • Treat and protect your data and privacy with the utmost respect.
  • Charge fair rates for work carried out, no excessive huge charges for tiny problems. (Yeah, PC World, is £229 fair? I think not!)
  • Keep you informed EVERY step of the way, in Plain English.
Our family-like Customer Relationship

We view our customers as family. We treat you like you are our own. That way, we can have a perfect business relationship. It has led to social relationships too, many of my friends were once customers! That's the biggest point where this industry goes wrong. It's all money, money, money. I've seen it many times in the different companies I've worked for. Even the big boys like Dell are bad for it.

It was what caused me to cease working for most of them, it hurt me. When I started up Kitamura, I sat down with my staff, and we thought how we could cut the overheads, give you a cheaper deal, and be as friendly as possible.

So far, it has worked! You didn't think I'd give you my recipe, did you? :) Nope, that'd spoil it!

I feel strongly that the rest of the industry needs to wake up and do the same, rather than turning their back on the customer once they've got their money. Because once something then goes wrong for the customer, he/she feels stuck, and it can be upsetting, expensive, and troublesome. We will NEVER do that to customers. I've been in that position, and it isn't nice.

Our family-like Staff Relationship

Another passionate part of me is my attitude to my staff, and their attitude to me & the customer. Our staff are like family, we're very tightly knit, and we look after each other. That way, we can look after you, the customer, in the same way. If you have a good bond, everyone wins! Not only that, but professional training and support throughout their time with us contributes to it too. Kitamura's Co-Director Greg is a close friend, and most of my volunteers who help out across the UK. So you can rest assured that we will always be here to make things better for you. If we make changes to the company, which we regularly do, we think about the impact it has on customers, first.

I'm a very warm, approachable guy. My staff can come to me for anything, without being scared for their job safety, we often laugh and joke a lot. I've worked for companies where the boss is secretive, and too strict, closing himself away in his office all day. That isn't me. I'm the get-down-and-dirty-on-the-shop-floor, joke-with-the-guys, and the-guy-everyone-comes-to kind of fella, and my staff love it here! I love a loud, friendly chatty and happy working environment, rather than a quiet, boring and miserable one. In short, I'm the guy everyone wants as their boss :)

We will never give up on you, no matter what the problem. You're in good hands with Kitamura. We'll beat ANY competition, especially PC World. We're recession free, we don't have many overheads!

Best Regards,

James (Kitamura Group (UK) Director)

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