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Kitamura On Site Data Usage Policy

Kitamura collects several different types of information in our shop, that we store about our customers. This policy details what those types of information are, and how we store and use it.

This Policy does not cover our Online company areas, these are covered in our Online Privacy Policy.

What we store

Kitamura stores the following information about customers on our computer systems:
  • Name, Address, Postcode.
  • Home, Mobile & Work telephone numbers (all or any of these, with customer permission)
  • Your email address(es)
  • Kitamura Customer ID (Your unique number given to you by us on first contact)
  • Your machine/equipment make, model number & serial number. We DO NOT store Windows Product Keys.
  • Your Kitamura CompServ account number (for customers with CompServ Maintenance contracts only)
  • Job Invoices, which include all or any of the above information.
How we use this information:

Kitamura use this information to perform daily duties in serving you, and only for these purposes.

Your data will NOT be used for any of the following:
  1. Selling and/or giving your details to third party companies
  2. Selling and/or giving your details to advertising organisations
  3. Data mining
  4. Unsolicited emails
How your information is stored:

Your information is stored on our premises, on the following systems:
  • Secure, encrypted computer systems, to which only specialist staff are allowed access.
  • Backup servers, that backup the main systems every night, these servers themselves are encrypted, and useless to anyone if stolen.
  • Secure backup hard drives, which themselves are encrypted, and locked away in secure on site safes, to which only the Director has access.
  • Paper copies of Invoices, Jobsheets etc. are double locked in data safes, only the Director has access.
Equipment Safety:

All data storage equipment is equipped with electronic tracking, which enables ourselves and the Police to track its whereabouts if stolen. All computers require a smartcard to start the machine, and use fingerprint readers. Safes are securely bolted to immovable floor supports in our building, and are double deadlocked, both electronically, via a passcode, and mechanically, via deadlocked bolts.

Staff Laptop Security

We DO NOT permanently store any sensitive data on staff laptops, this data is accessed over a secure network, and destroyed from the laptop when disconnected, and work completed.

Your rights to the information we hold:

Under law, you have every legal right to view the information we hold about you. This can be obtained by sending a letter to the Kitamura Director, in writing. He is responsible for all data storage, and will send copies of all information to you in writing within 7-10 days of your request. We DO NOT charge a fee for this service.

This Policy is covered under the Data Protection Act. This Policy itself is regularly updated in line with the Act, to ensure its integrity.

Data Security Officer declaration:

I certify that this Policy is accurate and correct, and that any breaches will be held against me, as I am the accountable person for data security as Director of Kitamura, and where breaches are found to have been a result of negligence, evidence may be used against me in a Court of Law.

James (Kitamura Group Director/Data Security Officer)

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For privacy information, see our Kitamura Group Privacy Policy.

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